*With apologies to Eddie Murphy**
Dear Parents,
As we enter the second half of the school year, we find ourselves needing to adress hallway behavior at Northside. The same behavior that is expected in the classrooms is also expected in the hallways. This is necessary to ensure the safety of your child as they travel to their classes. The following is a list of hallway procedures that all Northside students are expected to follow:
• Walk on the right side of the hall (This allows for a smooth flow of traffic on both sides of the hall.)
• Use inside voices (There should be no yelling in the hallways as this is a schoolwide disruption.)
• Keep feet and hands to oneself (This allows your child to travel safely to class without fear of being injured.)
• Go straight to class (This prevents tardies and eliminates "playing" time in the hallway.)
• Use appropriate language (This is an expectation at school at all times.)
In an effort to eliminate this hallway behavior, as well as eliminate "bathroom congregating," bathroom use will not be allowed between classes. If a student is found in the bathroom (or at the water fountain) between classes without a pass from a teacher, that student will receive a disciplinary note (d-note). To compensate for this, your child will receive 5 bathroom passes per 9-weeks per class. They will also have access to the batheoom during lunch. This is a necessary step to avoid congregation in the restroom areas between classes.
Failure to follow the above procedures will result in a d-note. These hallway procedures are not new to Northside, but we find it necessary to reinforce them at this time.
We appreciate you taking the time to read and go over this letter with your child. We will be going over these expectations at school, as well as posting them in the hallways.
Thank you,
6th grade Team
Please sign and return this portion of the letter.
I, _________________________, and my child, _________________________, have read and discussed this letter and we understand hallway procedures at Northside Middle School.
Parent Signature __________________________________________________
Student Signature _________________________________________________
Date _________________________
**Not really. He owes us, the collective peoples of the world, an apology for committing this crime against music (and humanity.)
No poop for you!